Friday, December 7, 2012

Mug #4 - Brenda

I'm excited to clear another lead and should be receiving information from Supervisor Wanda Rottenfussser about a new suspect soon.  My first attempt at capturing Brenda , aka (also known as) The Designer, didn't go well and I had to wipe her out... Nothing sinister, but I had to go back to the original lead and start from scratch.  She changed her appearance daily switching her glasses.  I was initially too focused on her eye wear but did better the second go round.


Brenda, aka "The Designer"
4x4”, oil on gessobord
Supervisor Wanda Rottenfussser's 4th lead in the continuing Hilton Head caper "man hunt":

We got a call from a citizen in distress in Kentucky who needs our help.  It appears she (and others) have been shot with a new canon (50D to be exact).  She survived the assault and identified the perpetrator as Brenda "The Designer" Pruitt.  This woman may look harmless and tries to convince people she spends her time painting her grandchildren and redecorating interiors.  However, she is not to be trifled with.  This woman knows where the bodies are buried (at least her husband does).  She must be apprehended asap to keep others  from being victimized.  We need likenesses to post on the internet to alert the public.  Your assistance is appreciated.

To see all of the investigators' results go to:
Note:  Brenda is the most organized painter I've ever met.  Her paint box is a work of art itself.  She has her paint boxes broken down by color families, sectioned off, and everything is labeled.  Mine are organized, kind of... I think my paint tubes are like sox coming out of the dryer.  I KNOW I put it in there... 


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