Friday, January 1, 2016

30 in 30_ Day 1

I decided to ride the wave and try my hand again doing Leslie's Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.  Its a great way to start painting again after the holidays .  I'm joining a small group of about a 1000 painters from all over the world!  There are no rules, just paint a painting a day or at least to paint more than you painted last month (an easy challenge since I only did 2!).  I like that it takes into consideration that life might get in the way so no biggie if I miss a day or 2.  There are no rules and its the kick in the butt I need after the craziness of the holidays.  I know there will be some "misses,"  but unlike when a painting doesn't work and gets sent to my "oops" corner, these will all get posted regardless.  

I painted this guy a couple of years ago from a different angle and thought "what the heck" lets do it again.  He's my favorite holiday Salt & Pepper shaker (pepper is in his hat) 

Happy 2016!

Day 1

Salt & Pepper
4x4” oil ($35)




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