Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mug # 16 - Donna "Chickens" Harmon

Only a few more mugs to go and I'm slowing down because I don't want them to end.  It's not because they've changed me into a portrait artist!... even though I've learned so much and will try to push myself to do more.  I'll be sad for them to end because they remind me of the fantastic time I had in Karin Jurick's class (great instructor if you are looking for a workshop) and the wonderful friends I made at the Hilton Head workshop.  The real challenge once we've finished the mugs will be keeping in touch.  

I'm getting more adventuresome as we are closing in on the finish line with the mugs. I decided I'd "rough draft" Donna's mug in acrylic then paint it in oil.  I've tried this with other larger paintings and it gives me a chance to see shapes before I get caught up in painting.  So I drew it, did my values and composite in acrylic, then painted it.  Not as long winded as it sounds and I find it fun because I can be very loose with the underpainting.  

Donna Harmon, aka, “Chickens”

Mug #16 Donna,
4x4" oil on Gessobord

Supervisor Wanda has done it again.  Her report on muggle #16:
This week the search is on for Donna C. “Chickens” Harmon so named because her local cover involves raising exotic chickens.  Her murky past seems to have involved much international travel (most likely for nefarious purposes) before settling in rural Tennessee somewhere near the Smoky Mountains. 

One could speculate she has retired from a life of crime EXCEPT … she was seen in the company of “Quickdraw” Jurick and the Hilton Head felons six months ago.  Before that she appeared to be happy capturing chickens and flowers but has since taken to shooting people and immortalizing them in oil.  In fact, she invites viewers “to step into the paintings and imagine that he or she is there”.  (This is very similar to what the spider said to the fly.)  “Chickens” admits to being fascinated with people and beginning to incorporate them into her work.  One shudders to speculate what this really entails.  She must be apprehended before more damage is done so your send your mugs asap!

To see other eye witness accounts (paintings) of the Hilton Head Caper click on:  2012hiltonheadcaper.blogspot.ca

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